Search Results for: p1

Why P1 ToGo® Plan = Convenience

It so happened that today, I had to help my boss get ready broadband internet for our guest at our guesthouse, and I ran into some ‘inconvenience issues’. Firstly, we are using those generic MIFI that I had to insert my own SIM card, but we are not subscribed to any plan, we are using Prepaid. So… Continue Reading

Why P1 ToGo®?

Using #p1mifi on the go to JB, Muar town has perfect reception @p1networks A photo posted by Leona Lim (@leonalimdotcom) on Dec 12, 2014 at 11:21pm PST Recently, as part of P1 Online Media Associates, I get to review P1 Internet’s best To Go plan with their MX230 MIFI modem. I only get to use… Continue Reading

Everyone Can Win with P1

I had always liked P1 the Telco from the first day I went to tour their building until becoming their Online Media Associate in recent years. There had always been fun contests on Facebook but I never really cared to join any until this year when P1 became really active in giving back again by… Continue Reading

Customized Social Media Icons from Acurax Digital Marketing Agency