Kids Fun Time on Maritime Museum Malacca


If you are visiting Malacca with kids, do not miss a trip to the Maritime Museum (the Flora De La Ma) that is just ahead of the Stadhuys. The Maritime Museum is a life sized replica of the Portuguese ship which sank in the coast of Malacca while on its way to Portugal. The ship is historical itself as it was built many many years ago. Did you know that the real sunken ship is still under the sea? Some drones claimed to have found it just this year, even though it sunk in 1512.

We have passed by this ship in Malacca so many times but never thought of entering it until now. If you only want to visit one museum in Malacca, this has got to be the one to try. It is air conditioned too, so it can be a good relaxing time to get out of the crazy hot sun. Furthermore, entrance ticket is really cheap. Only RM3 for adults and RM1 for kids. For younger kids like mine, it is free.

There are lots of things to see inside the ship. They try to recreate the scene of the 1500s with the nice painting behind and the bronze human sculptures. Not sure why it is in bronze, wax figures will be nicer.

The kids have a great time re-imagining themselves as pirates of yesteryear. It is a good place to spark some interest in history of Malaysia.

There are also displays of miniature ships from various countries, ship enthusiasts would love to check these out.


Is that Albuquerque at the back?

The captain’s room is the largest room on the ship. Nice and cosy. But we can’t enter for some reason, only can see from the entrance.

There are some climbing about to do on this ship, so best to wear comfy shoes.

The above cheap entrance ticket also allow us to visit the Navy Museum and the Maritime Museum Phase 2 which is a separate building, all nearby.

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