iPad App Review: Dr Seuss Short Stories Collection

If you only can get one Dr Seuss ipad app, I’d really recommend this one as it is very worth it with 8 classic stories, and I must say, I love all the short stories.

1) The Big Brag – A rabbit and a bear both boast that they are the “best of the beasts” only to be humbled by a mere worm who sees “the two biggest fools that have ever been seen!”
2) Gertrude McFuzz – A young bird named Gertrude obsessed to be prettier learns a valuable lesson about accepting and believing in oneself.
3) I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! – A boastful young cat learns the perils of bragging when he overconfidently declares he can lick 30 tigers.
4) King Looie Katz – King Looie of Katzen-stein insists that his tail be carried around which leads to his kingdom revolting with “demo-catic” results.
5) The Glunk that got Thunk – A small cat tells the story of his imaginative sister who “thunked a Glunk” and how he must team up with her to get rid of the disruptive creature.
6) Too Many Daves – Mrs. McCave names all of hers sons “Dave” which causes problems in her family and leads to an amusing list of names she wishes she had named them instead.
7) The Zax – A north-going zax and a south-going zax stubbornly refuse to move out of each other ways and get literally get stuck in their tracks.
8) What Was I Scared Of? – A timeless message about fear and tolerance as the story’s narrator repeatedly meets up with an empty pair of pale-green pants, both who are equally afraid of each other.

All the stories have some kind of moral values hidden in them if you read it properly, especially at the end. Josiah had been reading the stories all by himself, and his favourites so far are The Big Brag and King Looie Katz. After just a few reads, he’s already memorised all the names of the Katz in King Looie Katz, and there’s really a lot of them in there!

I love that all the short stories listed here are funny; my boy has a great sense of humour so he really gets it. Too Many Daves is one really funny one, where Mrs McCave named all her sons Dave. That is really out of this world and illogical, but that is what Dr Seuss specializes in. She went on to think of what names she could have named them instead of Dave and the names she suggested were really crazy too.

This app is only USD9.99 and really worth it as other one story app can be as high as USD4.99.

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