26 week checkup

Prior to this checkup, which is 2 weeks ago, I had another checkup and was given a scare. My blood pressure had gone up from the regular 120 to 131. Plus, my weight also went up drastically by 4kg. The nurse looked at me shaking her head and said I’m going to need to test for diabetes in a couple of days and monitor my blood pressure every couple of days for 2 weeks and go back for a follow up.

So two weeks ago was the diabetes check. For those who have not taken this test before, here’s how it goes. I have to fast from 10pm the night before and can only consume water or food AFTER the test finished. Then I have to get to the clinic really early, they recommended me to reach there by 7.50am to get my queue number, but I only managed to get there a little past 8.00am. Took my number and there were SO many people already there. After 9.00pm they will not accept people registering anymore. So, waited a long while and it was already nearly 9.00am before my number was called. I was immediately given 2 tubes to go the Room 17 for the bloodtest.


So first tube of blood was taken and I have to keep the other tube and wait 2 hours to take blood the 2nd time. Then I went to a room, where on a table was full of mugs of thick glucose water. It was a whole big mug, and I downed it. The mother before me coughed while she drank it and told me it tasted horrible. The nurse also warned me that I might vomit since it is so thick. But since I was terribly thirsty having no water to drink since last night, I downed it happily. It was really sweet and caused my throat to tighten, but it was water, despite being only 30% water and 70% glucose. Yikes.

Then comes the suffering time of 2 hours, doing nothing and sitting around. Thankfully, they sold papers outside so I bought The Star and managed to learned of lots of world issues within that short 2 hours. The nurse called me back at 1 hour 45 minutes to take the 2nd blood test. This time they pricked my left arm, and this time it hurt. Ouch. And so I was sent home.

Today after 2 weeks, I went back for the follow up. By the way, for the 2 weeks, I decided to buy the home blood pressure monitor instead of having to go the clinic every time. My blood pressure tested really low at home, like sometimes it’s only 98. So at the clinic today, it was low too, back to 120. Thank God! I was so relieved, as I know how high blood pressure during pregnancy is not going to be easy.

Then I waited to see the nurse and doc, and was confirmed that my blood sugar is also normal. Phew! Double give thanks to God today. Oh no, triple, coz even my weight did not go up. Coz I had been watching my diet for these 2 weeks, cutting out all sweet junk and carbs, taking only fruits for snacks. In less than 2 weeks, I will be entering my third trimester, and so I plan and pray to enter the final phase healthy and free from probs! Praise God that He takes care of me and Jordan.

One Response to 26 week checkup

  1. certainly there is a lot to look out for, esp during pregnancy hor. Great to hear that everything is fine now. Hope to bump into you one of these day when you are here. Can’t wait to see how you look like now, hehehe…

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