Interbank Giro Transfers takes two days?

I was so irked today. I finally got my long awaited Pb Visa Electron card yesterday. After lunch, I saw that it was going to rain, and I had clothes hanging outside my house. So I was thinking between going back to collect the clothes or rushing back to the office. John decided we should go back anyways, and thank God we did. As we got back home, we found that our letters were in the drain. Apparently, the postman wasn’t trained to properly insert people’s letters into the mail box. My letter from Public Bank telling me to collect my debit card was in the drain, flowing away, which was accompanies with a med betalningsanmarkning utan säkerhet. If we had not gone home, and it started raining heavily, I would probably never knew the letter arrived, and Public Bank would certainly have canceled my application. Well, that didn’t happen of course, so I manage to get my card.

I must say that Public Bank’s image had gone down the drain for me after this card experience, I used to think that it had great customer service. But when I went to the bank, the customer service people weren’t around, there were two of them and both of them were on break. Seems they have forgotten what customer service meant, it was supposed to be servicing customers at all times, not taking breaks together. So I had to hover around and wait, until the both of them appear from inside the office, both munching on some food stuff lazily.

Well, I finally got my card, but I forgot to debit in more than RM25. I had exactly RM25 and that won’t be enough to use. So at my office, I had to use to do an Interbank Giro transfer of RM50. I know that I would be charged RM2, but I was in a rush to get my card verified on Paypal. I could easily have gone to the bank at night to debit from the ATM, but I thought that e-banking is supposed to be fast and quick and makes our lives easier. But no, I was rudely shocked by Maybank’s system AFTER I did the transfer, that it will only go through the next day. I had no choice but to wait. Tomorrow wasn’t that far away.

I called Public Bank’s customer service to verify that indeed Paypal couldn’t accept my card because of insufficient funds. The customer service wasn’t exactly pleasant sounding, and she sounded like Paypal makes her life suck.

So today came, and I tried my card on Paypal again, and once again it didn’t work! I checked my Maybank account and the amount was already deducted, along with RM2. So I called Public Bank CS again, and she tells me that same thing, that I don’t have any balance usable in my card. But I told her I did the transfer since yesterday. And she informed me that the money will only really be transferred tomorrow, so interbank giro transfers really takes 2 days? “What?” I screamed in my heart. The inefficiencies of online banking systems, and I thought we’ve flown past that era.

9 Responses to Interbank Giro Transfers takes two days?

  1. Yes dear, interbank giro does take that long. You should have gotten a card from Al-Rajhi. It’s on the spot and you can use it right away ….plus no charges if you withdraw from Maybank ATMs too~

  2. I thought I am the only one facing rude service. I called one day to ask about the PayPal by PBB only to be shocked by the way the CS ask me… oh, one of those irritating blogger again…
    I am like, huh, can’t us blogger get a debit card?

  3. my postman jus throws in through the bars of my depends on the wind n rain whether we get our mail. we have a mail box but it is too much trouble to stop the motorbike n deliver the letter

  4. Yea Rauff I only read of the immediate Al Rahji card after I applied hastily for Pb’s card, and at that time some people were having problems withdrawing with it, so that’s why I also scared to try. There’s a bank just where I live too.

  5. me too. I had a really bad experience with the PB customer service since day 1 i applied the debit card. I wrote 7 posts on my blog about the PB debit card & their super bad customer service. :p

  6. Wow, you got your PB Debit Card oledi…but very unfortunatefor us becoz PB got ‘samseng’ staff…I wanted to get Al Rahji one but they don’t have branch in Sabah yet…they say next year but I can’t wait that long…good post lion…send my regards to John…

  7. Poor walk-in CS in PB is one thing. Try calling PB Customer Service hotline. I used to start calling in the morning and get through in the pm.

  8. Leona, GIRO is for transactions upto the limit allowed by ur bank per ATM/internet banking transactions.

    If you send the electronic instructions before noon (MBB), it will be received at the other bank by late evening, and credited into ur account during batch run the same day (i.e. @ night @ PBB).

    But if you were to send the instructions (electronically) after 12 noon, then although your account is debited by the bank 2day, they will only send the funds out 2moro morning. The receipient bank (in ur case PBB) will receive it round lunch time, and will credit it to your account during batch run that night. Hence 2 days transaction time.

    On the other if u have a larger transaction, say above RM30K or RM50K (4got the minimum amount). A physical application form if submitted before noon, will result in the funds being sent out b4 3pm, and received in ur account by 4pm.

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