Freak Accident

I had a near death freak accident this morning! Ok maybe not, more like a near blind accident…

I had left my fingernails uncut for a long time….


And as I felt my eyes were itchy, and wanted to scratch, I accidently poked the nail into my eye balls! Man, it was so painful and felt as if there’s a hole in my eye. Tears were quickly being produced to ease the hurt, though it felt like this…


Unable to open my eye for a while, I pledged to cut my nails immediately later. Thank God I can still see though it still hurts a bit 😛

8 Responses to Freak Accident

  1. Ms. Leona lim – apa ini! keyboardist shouldn’t have long finger nails – dear 🙂
    how’s the eye now la??? didn’t knw can bleed sampai like that!

  2. If its bleeding like tht, how the hell can u still open ur eyes tht wide. Unless, u’ve really gone blind. This looks kinda spooky & gross & surreal. Dont go poke into your eyes nex time cos there are so many this tht u can poke with nice long nails like tht.

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