My pics made to good use


I got an email this morning with this attachment. Somebody in Jakarta had published a photo I took of two Cambodian boys. It’s in free mag called Media Kawasan. I’m just glad this pic has been made to good use.


I had recently published a missions mag called Harvest News using the same pic for the cover. If you’ve got great pics to share that you think can be useful to others, do upload it to

Filed Under: Art

4 Responses to My pics made to good use

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing me your great photo.
    I used your photo (2 Cambodian boys) for a story which published in MediaKawasan magazine, a free community magazine, Jakarta Indonesia.

    This is amazing, I just browsing internet for an idea, and find out your blog.

    I already put your url on my blogroll.



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