An album to raise more funds


Oops Asia, a local record label, with the likes of Patrick Leong, Juwita Suwito and Altered Frequency being its artists, is going to release a compilation album for fundraising for the Tsunami Affected Regions. I think this is great, I have always loved songs by all three of these artists, and now they’ve written songs just for this. The album’s going to be released on 26 Jan and can be found in most Christian books stores such as Canaanland, Gladsounds, Chosen Treasure and Salvation, including MPH, Powerstation and some others…be sure to look for it.

Click on to Oops Asia forum to read Patrick’s wonderful story of how he designed the album cover. It’s pretty amazing.

“For comfoft and peace, in this moment of grief, look above, beyond the hills, there’s light you can find, in this moment of need, There’s someone who heals, to walk you through the rain, With His loving embrace”

(Excerpt of the Song Through The Rain by Patrick Leong)

By the way, only 4 songs but also only RM10. So buy an album and know your money is in good hands!

Filed Under: Art

One Response to An album to raise more funds

  1. Hi!
    Isn’t it great that artist all over wold are coming together and making an effort to raise funds? Even in Norway we have behind us two big TV shows and soon there will be conserts in all the major cities!

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