Josiah is now 5 weeks old, and as at a few days ago, I think he had a growth spurt...he suddenly need to be nursed too constantly in the day and napping less. My day starts around 5am sometimes as early at 4am, and after nursing, I would do pumping for about half and hour. By that time, I may or may not have time to sleep again, as Josiah takes his bath by 8.30pm. John usually gives the bath, time for daddy son bonding and time for me to take my breakie. Then, he would continue nursing and sleeping in my arms until about 4pm when he would be willing to sleep on his bed. If I put him down earlier, he would cry again. Well, this only happens during the growth spurt, I hope. Today was better, he would sleep for about an hour after nursing. I knew nothing about growth spurts before, so much to learn hhm.
Just the other day, I was so frustrated at why he’s feeding so constantly, also I was so tired just holding him. I sometimes felt like giving up on breastfeeding. Well, God has other plans, He sent Rachel, one of my church members over to visit suddenly. She breastfed all her four kids, her youngest at 3 years old is still breastfeeding. I really admire her! Anyways, just her visiting really encouraged me to go on as long as I can still provide. It surely is a satisfaction to see Josiah grow bigger each day just on my milk!
However, it is not something that came easy. Especially the first few weeks, I would cringe when he cries for milk, coz it hurt at first, when I didn’t know how to let him latch. Plus all the negative thoughts that the milk wasn’t enough. Well, it got better now. I’m sure it would only get better later. I’ve managed to even store 5 bottles of 2 oz frozen milk in the fridge for when I get back to work. Pumping also got easier, it was a struggle at first to even get 10ml! I learned lots of things just reading up on the internet, so it’s a blessing that I have my wifi and laptop with me whenever there are questions flooding my mind.
Anyways, more about Josiah, I think he’s gotten taller and heavier significantly each day. Yesterday was also his first day to church, which I spent most of the time in the mother’s room, in the nursing corner. We even managed to walk around in Metropoint and ate dinner out. It was not as hard as I thought. The only drawback was, he came home past his normal bedtime, so we struggled to get him to sleep after that. It was not until midnight that he decided to fall asleep…sigh, I know things should only get better, not easier, but maybe we’ll get more used to doing it all.
Right now, I need to learn how to use the littlepods baby sling…and also waiting for my cloth diapers to arrive…