Day 6: 7 Day Diet

Day 6: Protein and vegetables. Same as Day Five except, add more vegetables either in salad or stir fry form

This was not an easy day. It is the weekend and I have to go out with the kids, usually I felt like I had to eat what the kids eat. We were on our day out to get some wardrobe systems in Ikea. So we stopped at the cafe for breakfast. I was looking forward to just eating the salmon there, but coz it was a breakfast menu, they only had terrible unhealthy food. In the end, I opt to eat the chicken wings and popiah. Bad.

For lunch, once again it was quite hard to decide. We ended up in McDonalds of all places. 🙁 I hate a piece of McD’s chicken. Bad.

We went home, and I munched on a bowl of Caesar Salad. No fruits today, very hard.

By evening, we were out again for dinner. We went to a food court and I ordered mixed vegetable stir fried dish. I suspect they used more oil than I would. There were pieces of meat in it as well. That was all I had for the day, pretty filling as well. Tomorrow will be hard. Back to only fruits and vegetables.

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