Category Archives: Tech

How to fix your iPhone that suddenly says ‘Unable to join the network …”

I own an aging iPhone 3gs, and once in a while, it can go wonky. Today I restarted my iPhone, thinking this is good practice. Like how we need to sometimes restart our PC. At that time my phone was connected to my office WIFI network. After restarting, the WIFI didn’t connect automatically, so I… Continue Reading

Steve Ballmer Statement on Steve Jobs

Microsoft Issues a Statement from Steve Ballmer on the Passing of Apple Founder Steve Jobs “I want to express my deepest condolences at the passing of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of our industry and a true visionary. My heart goes out to his family, everyone at Apple and everyone who has been touched… Continue Reading

Our new Media Player, Asus O!Player Air

So this is something that I’ve wanted for a long time coz I just have so many videos and I’m tired of burning DVDs. Then there is the odd case when ISO files are so large, they can’t get into a normal DVD-R but needs a double layer, which is pricey. So finally we got… Continue Reading

[HOW TO] make Unread Messages Bold in Outlook 2010

Apparently, sometimes in Outlook 2010 the Unread Messages appear as NOT bold. I’m not sure how they came to be but many people face that problem. Outlook 2010 is also very different from previous versions and the settings are very tricky, thus this HOW TO. 1) Open up your Outlook 2010 and Go to View… Continue Reading