Category Archives: Tech

App Review – Full Term Labour Contraction Timer

I downloaded this app, Full Term Labour Contraction Timer last minute when my contraction started at 4am. In fact, I downloaded a few apps, and found only this one really works, plus it’s free. To start counting, once a contraction is felt, it is as simple as pressing the Start button. Once the contraction stops,… Continue Reading

The New iPad Just Hit Malaysia

Once again, a new Apple is launched in Malaysia, called the New iPad. The new iPad is certainly very confusing, some people calling it iPad 3 and some calling it iPad 4g. Anyways, whenever an Apple product is launched, you can expect queues. As much as I am an Apple Fan, I cannot believe that… Continue Reading

My New Trident Cyclops II iPhone Case

After having Jordan, I have a tendency of dropping my iPhone 4s, due to not enough hands to hold him and carry many other things. Especially in the nights when I am nursing him, when I am half asleep and drowsy and it’s so dark. I must have accidentally dropped my phone like 10 times… Continue Reading

Microsoft Wins Copyright Lawsuit Against Computer Dealer

Concern over branded computers sold with pirated software leading to cyber security risks Kuala Lumpur, 19 April 2012 – Microsoft Corporation (“Microsoft”) has won a civil lawsuit against Vital IT Marketing Services Sdn. Bhd. (“Vital IT”), a company incorporated in 2002 and whose shares are valued at RM1 million. Vital IT has been in operation… Continue Reading