Category Archives: pregnancy

Update at 35 weeks

There’s only 5 weeks to go! Although I feel that it will be much less. My friend just gave birth 3 weeks in advance of her due date, even my sis in law didn’t reach her due date for her first child. I am getting so heavy that this is the time that I felt… Continue Reading

Counting fetal kicks with iPhone

At my last checkup 2 weeks ago, I was asked by the Klinik Kesihatan to start counting my fetal kicks. I didn’t do this last time as my private doc didn’t find it necessary. Anyways, this time, I had to record my kicks daily from 9am onwards till 9pm, and stop if I achieve 10… Continue Reading

28 – 30 weeks update and a first 4d baby scan

This post is 2 weeks late. Yet it’s something I must share as it was the first time I saw Jordan’s face with a 4d baby scan. Normally all we get are the 3d baby scan. Jordan is now about 1KG and from the scan, looking really chubby. He even yawned in the video. I… Continue Reading

26 week checkup

Prior to this checkup, which is 2 weeks ago, I had another checkup and was given a scare. My blood pressure had gone up from the regular 120 to 131. Plus, my weight also went up drastically by 4kg. The nurse looked at me shaking her head and said I’m going to need to test… Continue Reading