Category Archives: Parenting

Week 4 with Josiah

Josiah made his first month visit to the clinic today for his jab, immunisation from Hepatitis. This would be the 2nd jab since birth. We left for the clinic as early as 7.30am, there’s always a long line. There, we took a number and waited…while they checked Josiah, I was also given postnatal checkup, blood… Continue Reading

Week 3 with Josiah

At day 18, the nurses came to my house for the last time to take Josiah’s weight. At the time, he weigh 3.9kg, getting chubbier now. He’s getting bigger very fast, and I think soon he can’t wear his newborn rompers anymore. Josiah has now developed some kind of schedule, though I think this will… Continue Reading

Jaundice down finally

This morning, Josiah had his 3rd visit to the Klinik Kesihatan at 14 days old to do a blood test. Previously, the bilirubin level was 10.8 on the first test, and then 11.3 on the 2nd test. The doctor then asked me to cut off all intake of herbs, especially Chinese herbs, and only breastfeed… Continue Reading

Week 1 & 2 – Jaundice

Week 1 of motherhood is known to be the toughest one yet for any new mothers, what with all the new things and fatigue to face. Having read up so much has not prepared me much for what reality brings. I returned home on the day of my delivery without a confinement lady, as she… Continue Reading