Category Archives: Parenting

Visit to the Child Specialist

Today, we brought Josiah to Wong’s Child Specialist. The past few days, he seemed to be coughing out phlegm, and looked so uncomfortable. Anyways, at the clinic, the doc checked him out and found that he has a bit of cough, hence the phlegm in the chest. Since he was there, we got him on… Continue Reading

At 2 months…

Yesterday we brought Josiah to the clinic for his 2nd month’s checkup and immunisation. We went early in the morning, but the place is already full of people. I wonder always how early these people came. So we waited and waited, in total of 3 hours. Just for a weigh in and an injection. I… Continue Reading

Breastfeeding challenge

While I was pregnant, my colleague asks me if I would breastfeed and for how long. I was 100% confident I will breastfeed, but I also thought I would only do it max for 2 months and then give it up after that. My colleague then asked me to at least try for 6 months… Continue Reading

Cloth Diapering, GO GREEN!

Cloth diapering is like an adverb now. There are so many reasons to cloth diaper, I can’t begin to tell you why. Just google it. Personally, I wanted to cloth diaper for the sack of the environment and for baby’s bum sake. There are so many terrible chemicals found in disposables that can cause long… Continue Reading