Category Archives: Parenting

Changing lifestyle

My daily schedule is so different now compared to just a mere a year ago. Before pregnancy, I used to come back from work at 5.30pm, and I was able to get home in 10 minutes. When I get home, sometimes I cook dinner, but if I was really tired, I would take a nap… Continue Reading

Josiah at 3 Months…

Finally Josiah is 3 months old. Yesterday, he went for his 3rd month jab. This time we are smarter, we brought his fan to the clinic as it was always so hot. We also tried going in the afternoon instead of morning, where there’s always a neverending crowd. Josiah admiring the lights on the fan… Continue Reading

Adiri Natural Nurser

Before delivery, I simply bought milk bottles at Anakku. After delivery, I felt I needed a better bottle for Josiah in order that he doesn’t choose bottle over breast. So, around 4 weeks of his life outside the womb, I started scouting for that perfect bottle. Ok call me crazy. Before we had a bottle,… Continue Reading

Can you hear me?

There are so many electronic stuffs for baby out there in the market, but one thing that is quite necessary for me is a baby monitor. My baby sleeps in my room, and he sleeps early. So, there are times that I don’t want to be sleeping at the same time he does, and since… Continue Reading