Category Archives: Opinions

8% or 11%? Your choice

Recently, the gov decided to allow the people to reduce their EPF contributions from 11% to 8% for the next 3 years due to the economic crisis. At work, we had a meeting to decide whether we want 11% or 8%. Thankfully, most if not all of my colleagues opt for 11%. The gov wants… Continue Reading

Are you a musician?

Are you a musician who sometimes feel you’re not good enough..who sometimes feel lousy about yourself? Well, I was just reading this journal, and this struck me: ” Musicians need refined auditory and cognitive skills to listen and understand music, motor skills to interact with their instruments (often involving high-speed coordination and timing precision far… Continue Reading

Self Sacrificial Blobbies

Oh my goodness, I totally dig this advert when I first saw it! It’s about some paint that dropped out of the Nippon van and became Blobbies, some kind of around bubbly colourful monsters that ran the streets to paint some buildings, sacrificially, by splashing themselves on walls…whoever did this, I really love it! Especially… Continue Reading

Air Asia’s Tune Hotel, Kota Kinabalu

<a href=”″ title=”P1250434 by Leona, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”500″ height=”375″ alt=”P1250434″></a> I had booked Air Asia’s Tune hotel in KK way before it even opened, for nothing but the cheap rates. I actually paid RM0.02 for the room for 2 nights, RM16.80 for the administrative fees, and RM 10.49 for 12 hours credit of air… Continue Reading