Category Archives: Food

Sabah Local Food Day 2 – Yu Chap

On the second day after a very good rest at Tune Hotel, we fired up our 650cc Kancil and drove to town centre in search for local hawker food. Just the night before, John’s aunt asked us to try Yu Chap…a kind of fish dish, cooked in salted vege and bee hoon. The fish pieces… Continue Reading

Green Bean Sprouts and Bamboo chicken

Dinner today started with Green Bean Sprouts, my mum used to cook this so I love it a lot. I fried it with garlic, oyster sauce, and soya beancurd. Next dish is this… This is four pieces of chicken drumsticks cut in half marinated with Pork and Bamboo shoots from China. Added my own Shiitake… Continue Reading

Seremban in Sabah Seafood

<a href=”″ title=”P1250439 by Leona, on Flickr”><img src=”” width=”500″ height=”375″ alt=”P1250439″></a> The very first KK Seafood place we went to, ironically is called Seremban Seafood Restaurant. It is situated in a new housing area ALAMESRA, apparently developed by a West Malaysian company. John’s aunt brought us there since it was only the shophouse in front… Continue Reading

Pek Tin the Foochow Herbs

This packet of Chinese herbs is called Pek Tin Io or Ubat Pek Tin, which I got from Sarikei. You can get these any where there in the shops or drugs store. I love using herbs to add spice to my food. Don’t ask me what’s the picture of the deer doing there or what… Continue Reading