Category Archives: Food

The Best Pan Mee Ever!

First, let me say that I am not a Big Fan of Pan Mee. We don’t have such things as Pan Mee back in Sarawak, so naturally, I have to stay loyal to only Kolomee. That is not until I tasted this Pan Mee. And that was when it was just a small stall in… Continue Reading

Dutch Lady Kids

Recently Dutch Lady came out with this new range of UHT milk branded for kids from 1-6 years old. Josiah has been drinking the Fresh Milk and sometimes and UHT 250ml packet milk when we go out, for the sake of convenience. However, those milk were not specially made for kids, so most parents might… Continue Reading

Eat Green Go Green

I’ve always been an advocate of anything about going Green, coz I strongly believe as Christians we should be responsible citizens of this Earth and take good care of its resources. Well, my very good friend started this website called Eat Green Go Green. Actually, this site is more about just eating green hehe. I… Continue Reading

Restoran MZ Kajang Review

Here’s another restaurant review of a newly opened place just outside my house, in the new shoplots Sentosa Avenue. We have passed by this restaurant daily but never thought of eating there, until my in-laws bought some food there and told us how good it is. This is basically a Malay restaurant serving all kinds… Continue Reading