Category Archives: Christian

Seeing thru the other eye

seeing thru the other eye Originally uploaded by Leona. Expectations…I used think that it’s stressful when somebody has high expectations of me. I always feel like I’m gonna fall short of people’s expectations and never live up to it. Well, it’s true that we shouldn’t have too high expectations of people, but neither should we… Continue Reading

Unconditional Love in Aceh

I was reading this blog NowandEver and there was this beautiful account from IraLippke, a designer currently working in a Bali orphanage, on what he and his buddies did and saw in Achech during the Tsunami. He was talking about how it was so hard to get in to help as the government had all… Continue Reading

The Real Story of Christmas

I wonder if everybody know the real meaning and the story of Christmas. Yes, it does have an origin, and it’s not just any tradiitional celebration or anything. Anyways, if you’ve got much time to spare and really wish to read about the Christmas story, read it up at Real Live Preacher. Mind you, this… Continue Reading

A band in the making

It had been a fantastic nite! I just came back from practising with the band in church, ya and it’s so late now. This is the first time that I get to play with the youth, and my, was it great fun. I must say, initially I was very skeptical of the youth, not so… Continue Reading