Category Archives: Christian

First Day in Poipet and Battambang

On the 16th of April we took the 11am flight from KLIA to Bangkok. Upon arriving in Bangkok two hours later, it was raining cats and dogs. We managed to get taxis and bus Aranyaprathet all within our planned time. We were rushing to get the 2.00pm bus as people there told us the border… Continue Reading

Simple faith

Simple faith Originally uploaded by Leona. Children has such simple faith. Last Saturday, the Campus mission team went with the Children church to Abaco Estate to minister to the kids there. Abaco Estate is somewhere in Semenyih. It’s a rubber estate populated by Indians living in a state of poverty. The houses were in poor… Continue Reading

Rest in me, trust in me

Recently, my church invited a speaker, Rev Keith Edwards, to conduct a seminar on Becoming People of Influence. Keith was our camp speaker about a year ago….this time round, he had with him Ps David and his young team to minister to the children too. The seminars had been a real blessing for me. I… Continue Reading

Poipet anyone?

On April 16-25, I will be going on my first overseas mission trip to Cambodia. Relatively new in this, yet I am put in charge of Childrens Ministry over there, maybe because I’m like the second oldest in the team. Anyways, I love children, especially needy, poor children. These are the children that need the… Continue Reading