Category Archives: Christian

Reuben Morgan Concert

Hey, Reuben Morgan is coming to town. Make sure you check this out. Date: 6 June 2005 Time: 8.30pm Venue: The Heritage Centre, PJEFC Just write to and say you wanna buy the CD for RM30 and you’ll get a pass. You can even bank in the money and get the pass on the… Continue Reading

Outdoor Sun and Rain

Outdoor worship Originally uploaded by Leona. It was real fun today when the electricity decided to go off in church morning service. The aircond in the sanctuary wasn’t working so we decided to move to the refreshment hall outdoors where the fans were still working. For me it was really refreshing as it feels like… Continue Reading

Fourth Day in Battambang

It was now Tuesday 19th of April. The night before, we all slept really late. As we were doing our usual devotions in one of the rooms, there was visitation from the Lord. I shall not try to describe all that happened then, simply coz it was pretty undescribable. I can only say God ministered… Continue Reading

Third Day in Battambang

The third day in Battambang was basically the start of our teaching ministry. It was quite daunting at first as there were about 3 consecutive 1 hour classes each day for each pair of teachers, with other classes for Bible studies and classes for Monks. Due to it being just after the Khmer New year,… Continue Reading