Category Archives: Christian

Shine Like Stars

You alone are worthy You alone are great You gave us our salvation With fear and trembling We press on You alone are mighty You work in us to will You work in us to act According to your goodness Your purpose Shine like stars In this universe Shine like stars And be blameless and… Continue Reading

Little things that bless

I just got back from Hillsong Conference 2006 in Sydney….and had been telling like everyone how amazing it was. Attending the conference was one great thing on its own…I think I learned lots of stuff in a short 5 days….like too many stuff maybe? After the 3rd day, I did feel like my brain couldn’t… Continue Reading

How do you celebrate Christmas?

Today during morning devotion, we were asked to tell how do we really celebrate Christmas in our family aside from church stuff. Then I realised, I don’t really ‘celebrate’ Christmas like most people would. I don’t come from a traditional ‘Christian family’ so, we never celebrate Christmas as a mega family celebration. All these years… Continue Reading

Christmas Press Release

Our production press release finally came out in The Star. Our members got pretty excited, we were passing around the article, people were making calls and sending text messages about it. Those featured in the article must have flipped, coz I don’t think some of them knew we were taking these pics for the papers… Continue Reading