Category Archives: breastfeeding

Breastmilk containers

I had been expressing breastmilk daily now for the past 2 months. All the while I was using bottles from as they are the cheapest. It comes in a set of 6 for RM35 or 12 for RM65 and is widely available on many online baby sites. I actually have 3 sets, and last… Continue Reading

Adiri Natural Nurser

Before delivery, I simply bought milk bottles at Anakku. After delivery, I felt I needed a better bottle for Josiah in order that he doesn’t choose bottle over breast. So, around 4 weeks of his life outside the womb, I started scouting for that perfect bottle. Ok call me crazy. Before we had a bottle,… Continue Reading

Breastfeeding and Working

Thanks to encouragement from Christine and Karen from their blogs, I had decided I would continue breastfeeding even after returning to work. It would mean having to express during working hours. For that, I made a huge purchase with my breast pump. After researching a lot during my confinement, I settled for the Ameda Lactaline… Continue Reading

At 2 months…

Yesterday we brought Josiah to the clinic for his 2nd month’s checkup and immunisation. We went early in the morning, but the place is already full of people. I wonder always how early these people came. So we waited and waited, in total of 3 hours. Just for a weigh in and an injection. I… Continue Reading