Category Archives: Art

My pics made to good use

I got an email this morning with this attachment. Somebody in Jakarta had published a photo I took of two Cambodian boys. It’s in free mag called Media Kawasan. I’m just glad this pic has been made to good use. I had recently published a missions mag called Harvest News using the same pic for… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art

Images that speak

It comes as no surprise that I love taking pictures. I had long to take pics since before I got a camera, and now that I have one, I never leave home without it. Nevertheless, I still don’t have that sharp photographer eye many has. I love sharing my pics, and one of the sites… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art

Flowers in the pond

white lotus Originally uploaded by Leona. Lotus blossoms early in the morning and becomes a bud again in the evening… I love white lotus, not as vibrant as the pink ones, but yet something beatiful and pure about it…it is not asking for too much attention and yet, in its own way, draws the lenses… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art

An album to raise more funds

Oops Asia, a local record label, with the likes of Patrick Leong, Juwita Suwito and Altered Frequency being its artists, is going to release a compilation album for fundraising for the Tsunami Affected Regions. I think this is great, I have always loved songs by all three of these artists, and now they’ve written songs… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art