Category Archives: Art

Hot Date to MPO

A couple of weeks ago, JR asked me out on a hot date to the MPO. It was my first time watching a live orchestra, what more with funnyman Carl Davis as the conductor. Our MPO hall was indeed world class, all the instruments sounded crisp and clear without the need for microphones. For me… Continue Reading


wall2 Hosted on Zooomr I’m recently very obsessed with pics of street lights captured in slow shutter speed, with all the colours, in straight lines, with emphasis on perpectives. Haven’t got to trying it myself….I don’t think I have the time to be standing at street corners with busy speeding cars…photographing it all for now.… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art

Be the photoblogger of the week

Fancy sharing your photographs with the blogosphere? You can do that at You just need to sign up as a photoblogger, and each day of the week that you are on duty, just post a pic of anything you took that day in Malaysia. Currently, my dear sista is the photoblogger on duty. I… Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art

Home video

I’ve uploaded some videos of Elma the cat. Take a look at my video page. Continue Reading

Filed Under: Art