Author Archives: leona

Raising Resilient Kids and How Roleplay Helps

As a parent, I admit that most of the times I am quick to be the Mother Lion that shields and protects her cubs. Our most natural instinct is to never let our kids face sadness, failure, loneliness and more in their lives. However, these challenging situations are inevitable when they grow up. Therefore, it… Continue Reading

How to Travel from Kuching to Sarikei

Every once a year, our little family will need to travel to Kuching and Sarikei to visit our families for Chinese New Year. I realised every year, we would struggle to decide which is the best time and cost saving method to travel to Sarikei from Kuching. This is because there is no airport in… Continue Reading

Kiddomo Universe Starling Mall

I heard there is a new indoor playground in Starling Mall PJ that really stands out. The boys got very excited to check it out so we paid a visit last weekend. Kiddomo Universe is located on Level 3 besides the foodcourt and it prides itself as the Future Playland. You will find out why.… Continue Reading

Starbucks Teavana Tea Party

What could be better than a Starbucks Tea party? Did you realise that Starbucks started focusing on TEA LOVERS with their new TEAVANA range? I did notice Matcha Cold Foam in the menu recently and wondered what it would be like. Well I got to find out today. At the tea party in Starbucks DC… Continue Reading