Seaweed Cracker Snack Recipe

Jordan’s favourite snack is the seaweed crackers that we usually eat during CNY. Unfortunately, these crackers don’t come cheap! A small tub I bought recently was RM15. So I decided to make my own at home using Atomy Sesame Oil Grilled Laver.

atomy sandwich laver by Leona Lim on

At RM170 for 4 boxes, with 24 packets a box, means one packet is about RM1.77. To make a big tub of crackers I use about 6 packets. You can get it online at


  1. 6 packets of Atomy Sesame Oil Grilled Laver
  2. 6 pcs of Popiah Skin
  3. 1 Egg
  4. Oil

Making the cracker is easier than I thought! All I did was lay out the popiah skin, apply beaten egg on top with a pastry brush, stick the seaweed on the popiah skin and apply the egg again one layer. Then I leave it aside to dry while doing the rest of the seaweed. Once they are done, I use a pair of scissors to cut them to long strips, and fry them in my Atomy Medicook Wok. They fry real fast so I use a small fire. After they are done, I just dry them a bit with paper towels, and ready to eat! Usually, Jordan finish the whole tub by himself in one seating. I actually do not really use any salt or seasoning, but you can add some soy sauce in the egg for a bit of salty taste. Or else, the original taste of the seaweed and crunchiness of the fried popiah skin together just makes a wonderful, healthy snack for the whole family.

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