Product Nation Website Review

I have been in the beauty business for sometime now with Atomy. Although my company sells daily necessities and fashion and food, people still ultimately look for us for beauty products and recommendations. I found that I need to have a vast knowledge about skin types and skin concerns. Therefore, I’m always trying to read up online so I can help my clients with their problems. After one year in this business, I realise skin concern is a huge deal for most people. Also, nearly everyone have some sort of skin issue that cannot be settled with just one product. The problem is, most people do not have the knowledge of how to deal with it or what product suits them. So they might end up using all kinds of products that made their problems worsen. As I was doing my usual research on beauty products, I found this website that could be helpful for all of us when searching about reviews of products.

This new website is Product Nation and could well be touted as the best product review my website now. Besides beauty, it also has reviews for tech, appliances, home and living and parenting. I wanted to see if this website can be my go to review site. Sometimes I need to do a lot of product comparison, price comparison and it seems this site offers all that and more.

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I’m also really bad when it comes to eye makeup. So I was looking for ways to make dramatic eyes and came upon this. It shows the best eyeshadow pallette for creating specific looks complete with the pricing and where to get it. It’s quite easy to use this site and it’s not too wordy. Great for fast searches and fast info.

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I also had a lot of clients asking about whitening products. I have heard of some using mercury to whiten which is very bad. So I came to this site to read about what they have to say about whitening and which products were made for it and why. This site will be able to tell us about the best skincare in Malaysia and available here so we don’t have to buy them overseas and pay a hefty delivery fee.

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