Happy Deepavali!


Happy Deepavali ! Malaysia is unique. We are all different, yet we are the same. This Deepavali, we are once again reminded that we as Malaysians should respect and celebrate our differences at the same time embrace our similarities.

During this festival of lights, why not let our inner light shine within us. Let us continue to respect each other as both individuals and as Malaysians. The Petronas advert always touch our hearts in some way. Yes, we call ourselves multiracial and harmonious, but there always exist some prejudice based on looks. I love how the story paints a different picture in the end to reveal that the heart matters more than the outlook any day. We should not judge by the cover ever.

We can achieve greater harmony as a nation through greater understanding and compassion. That’s all it takes to live together in harmony. Understanding, compassion, love beyond reason.

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