Filter the Dangers of The Internet With Salam


As parents, we know too well about the dangers lurking out there, anytime someone may be trying to victimise our children. One of the biggest dangers live in our very homes, in the form of the internet on our computers, tablets and smartphones. Recently, the danger hit so close to home with an Exposé about paedophiles living in our midst targeting young girls and even boys I’m sure, was revealed on the website Predator in my Phone, a story run by Rage The Star . It revealed how middle aged men are luring young teenage girls out using chat apps, slowly grooming them into their sex slaves or something. This is really scary, and having boys does not make it any less scary. Boys that are abused most times don’t open up about it and seldom report it, so it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen.

Watch the first episode here!

Personally, when I use web apps like Wechat, I also get weird messages from people pretending to be nice as well; as an adult I am able to easily differentiate who is a predator and who is not but the same can’t be said for children.
Children born after the rise of unlimited internet data and smartphones being introduced into our lifestyles are somehow born knowing how to surf the net. My youngest boy knows how to search for cartoon videos on youtube even before he knows how to read. I have to watch him like an eagle in case he accidental views a bad video. They are too young now to be searching stuffs on google but I know the day will come. With just a one word search, the browser can open their eyes to a world of evil, sometimes I worry how can I protect them from all that?? Once their eyes see something terrible, it will be so hard to erase it from their absorbent memories.

That’s why I’m checking out Salam Browser, this all new locally created Browser that has built in Safe search always turned on for Google, YouTube and Bing/Yahoo, images and video. Of course, it is not always 100% accurate right now being so new, but they have add-no extensions that allow users to report to them sites and images that are inappropriate. This is better than using our regular browser where safeguard is optional right? By default sexually explicit video and images will be filtered out from Google and Bing search result pages, along with the results that might link to the explicit content. Salam Browser at the moment is not on phones and tablets yet, but it will be coming soon.

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Another built-in feature is its Free VPN service to hide geo-location at websites which modify content based on location. This can protect use from being watched online and for people to know our location and online activity, it’s like nothing is secure nowadays isn’t it? Sometimes, we still need VPN mode on when not wanting our personal data to be abused and tracked. VPN too, is not one hundred percent reliable and needs to chosen wisely. Let’s just make our peace with the fact that nothing in the virtual world can be trusted, no matter how ethical they claim themselves to be. Everything has a loophole. One of the most accurate NordVPN reviews tested by IncognitoLine in 2019, however, can be considered as the north star of parents continually worrying about their child’s online security.

Salam Browser has a lot more features and will probably be added on, I’m going to be trying it out more over the years, that is before my kids know how to surf the net for real, so that I can protect them from all these type of harm. Developed by SBRO Online Safety Solutions, for more info go to and download it for free here and just try it out for yourselves.

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