Free Smart Bus in Selangor!

bas smart selangor

Selangor folks rejoice! A lot of people living in Selangor still have to walk from place to place and the bus is of great importance. That’s why it’s such a welcome service to have the Bas Smart Selangor start operating this week to bring people around for FREE, yes you heard it right, FREE! This is project by the Selangor government and managed by Rapid Bus. The bus is not any old bus too, it is really nice and even has wifi. I will see if I can catch the bus these days and take a pic of it inside out.

Smart Bas Kajang

The most important thing for anyone wanting to take the bus is what is the route. So there you have it, the bus in Kajang goes from the town Jalan Besar all the way to Kompleks Henting Kajang, making a few stops on the way as above. The bus will come every 15-20 min. I used to stay in Reko area when I was studying, and waiting for the bus back then was quite horrifying and some more have to pay few cents for it for a short distance. With this bus, lots of UKM students living in Reko can go to Henting Kajang and to Kajang Town, easily and for FREE! Thank you Selangor!

2 Responses to Free Smart Bus in Selangor!

  1. i saw smart bus operating in Puchong area, do u know the route ?Thanks 

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