Josiah’s Tadika Concert 2014

Josiah’s Tadika Concert 2014


Recently this month, Josiah graduated from his 5 years old class in Tadika Anak Seri Cahaya, making it his 3rd graduation concert performance. All parents are naturally very excited to watch their kids perform on the big stage, us counted. I really thank the Tadika teachers for putting on a great show year in and year out, you can just watch and see the amazing effort put in to ‘entertain’ us parents, not forgetting of coz the many beautiful and adorable children that also put on a great show. This year, the theme was all about Dancing.

Josiah was dancing on the far top right. They were all dancing to Can You Be My Partner.

I can’t believe one year passed by so quickly. Last year, Josiah was in a Madagascar Themed performance, dressed up as a penguin. He was the third from right in front.

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