Johnson’s Baby Contest My Baby My Pride

That day we were on our way to Janda Baik when we dropped by One Utama and saw that there was a Johnson Baby’s Roadshow on. The roadshow was actually a launching of the Johnson’s Baby of the Year Contest 2014. I remembered Josiah joined this contest as well when he was a tiny baby. This time, it was Jordan’s turn. There were lots of activities at the roadshow, like games for toddlers, measuring of height and weight, photobooth, and most of all, stage games. Anyone who participates would get a goodie bag. Josiah was really excited and wanted to get on stage. There was a game for mother and child and I took him on stage, to my dismay it was a dancing a game.

(Picture courtesy of Ayu)

5 pairs of mother and child had to dance off wearing funny costumes. Josiah became very stiff, (maybe he had stage fright like me?). Nevertheless, it was a fun (and last) experience for both of us!

We participated in the photo contest as well, and took back our family pic and Jordan’s personal pic. We submitted Jordan to participate in the baby contest.

Here’s our pics taken and developed on the spot.

It was not easy to make Jordan sit on the ‘throne’.

To join the contest, all you need to do is submit your child’s pics. However, to make it easier, you can get FREE instore photoshoot by J&J and submit on the spot too. To quality, just visit any of these stores and buy RM15 worth of products and you can get a free professional shoot for your kids.

Alternatively, you may also submit your entry online using their Facebook App. In the process you might also win additional prizes like being the 444 entry etc. The contest will be ending on 30 June 2014, so there is still lots of time to join. By the way, the contest will be a bit different this year. With every entry, RM1 will be donated to Orphancare. So far, about RM6k had been collected. The participants will also be judged on their other skills besides just the cuteness from the photos, that is if you enter the finals. Competition is tight! Still worth a try, what do you say?

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