Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie

Recently, I tried out this recipe that someone posted on Facebook. It turned out to be pretty good and really easy, but it’s not really a cookie or a biscuit. At least it is not crunchy like one. Nevertheless, it makes you feel like you’re eating one, so kudos to that and it can be pretty good to turn you away from eating a real sugar laden cookie. This healthy cookie is completely without flour, without sugar (save for the stuffs already in the choc). Here’s the super simple recipe.

1 Cup of Oats (Rolled or Instant is fine)
2-3 Ripe Bananas

Optional Ingredients
A Handful Dark Chocolate buttons/chips

First I just mashed the bananas together, then pour in the oats. Just mix all the other ingredients as you like. I know some people add additional things like vanilla or honey.

Grease your baking paper, shape your cookie to whatever you like and place it on the sheet, then bake it for 15-20 min at 175 Degree Celcius. I was lazy to I just made them really shapeless and small so my boys can easily eat them. They turned out tasty and the crunchiness is from the oats, the sweet from the bananas. I would say the texture is more like bread than cookie. So, there you have it, if you feel like having a snack but you don’t want to add to that waistline, try this out. Afterall, you’re just snacking on oats and bananas!

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