Human Craziness Over Minion Toy

Today, McDonald’s released the 3rd batch of Minions featuring Stuart that can light up. Whoa. That’s enough to drive a bunch of Malaysians crazy. If I am a power from another country trying to take over Malaysia, or the World, I now know how to do it. Give them Minions.

On a serious note, I am quite perplexed and disturbed by the current trends of things. How easily people can become monsters over some meaningless toy. I enjoy collecting McD toys occasionally and even love making complaints to McD when their service is not up to par. I was doing the management a favour, you know, trying to help them improve etc. However, the current situation is to the point of embarrassing to the human race. Just read McD’s facebook page which is flooded with complaints and stories.

Case 1

Two ladies waiting in the Drive Thru didn’t get their toys since there is a quota for eg. 200 toys are for counter customers, and 200 for drive-thru customers. Very logic right. These 2 ladies resort to shouting and threatening and won’t move their vehicle unless the staff takes the toy from a potential counter customers and give it to them. They are willing to embarrass themselves just for Stuart. One word, crazy.

Case 2

Lots of people are going on comments box on McD and telling McD that they are not happy even after buying Happy Meal. Corny. They are not happy because there is no more Minion toy, they are replaced with another over stocked toy. They tell McD their sad stories of how they used to be Happy going to McD as a child when their parents buy them a Happy Meal, but now they are old but still pining for a McD toy, and they are no longer happy!

Case 3

A lot of crazy but selfish and money crazed people who bought a lot of extra sets of Week 1 and 2 Minions are trying to sell or trade their extra sets for a much higher price. One guy is trying to sell one set at RM50. The original price is RM3 each. Another guy commented that he should be careful coz he will get whacked when doing the COD. (Cash on Delivery). Now a mini toy is starting to cause violent and selfish behaviour. The normal human race going about their daily lives is now willing to beat people up over a toy thinking they are the self righteous one.

The Minions is not even something new, last I heard, this is a promo for the movie Despicable Me 2. Why weren’t people that crazy during the first movie. Is this a sign pointing to…End Times. People are just so easily hyped over a meaningless movie and a meaningless toy and a thing that doesn’t even exist in real life, that is really, not even alive. What can happen if the human think for a moment, use their God given brains and talents for a moment, channel all that energy into something meaningful, long lasting, real, effecting our eternities?

In Malaysia, people lined up as early as 10pm for the toys to start selling at 12am last night. Some people spend hours in line, and come back again when they are told it is out of stock, as many as 2-3 times. They are spending ‘time’ that waits for no man. Time that could have been spent saving lives, changing lives, making a difference. Deception has got into the human race, I must say. To blind us with something like this so that for a moment and a day, we forget who we are.

Even for those who do not care much about the Minions, just the hype of seeing others do it, they too want to jump on the bandwagon. The pull to just get one is so strong till they forgot who they are, they forgot what they have learned growing up, how to treat others with kindness, politeness, care, love. All those out the window for what? For…some…toys… I don’t know about you, for me, it is bewildering, and it is a sad day indeed for Malaysia.

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