Reaching Community with Art

Some time ago, I read some only news about pianos being placed in public places for anyone to play and interact with it. I thought that was some fancy idea but I didn’t really get to find out about the background of that until now. I came upon this video about The Sing For Hope Pianos on youtube, and I thought this is just amazing.

I loved how these old pianos were brought to live by artists putting their flair on it, and not like where I live where pianos normally look sombre in plain coloured paint. Then it’s even more outrageous that they placed the pianos in the street, not irresponsibly because they actually have people caring for the pianos daily. The more I found out about this organisation, the more I wish this organisation is in Malaysia. Their commitment to art advocacy is to be applauded, making art available to people from all walks of life and not just for the selected, talented, sophisticated bunch. Most importantly, I think they mainly want to reach out to the underprivileged young people, people who cannot afford a piano in their homes or any musical instruments, people who are not able to go to school let along join music classes. Although the pianos are only in the public for a while, I believe just that short period of time it had touched many lives that they too can have a voice through music, that they too are worthwhile as a human being.

That is where the other Sing For Hope programs come in. There is the Sing for Hope’s Art U! Youth Outreach Program, where a large percentage of their students are from poor and underserved communities. At the program, these youths are taught by professionals in whatever kind of arts genre, from drama to singing, dance, creative writing, movement, or any music. This is quite amazing for me coz music is my soul and life as well, I cannot imagine living in a world where I don’t get to sing or don’t get to play music. So opening up this opportunity for the youths and letting them learn and make a change in their lives is awesome. Now, the question is, how can my community be reached with art too? Time to do some thinking and praying.

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