Jordan updates from 7 months to 9 months

When Jordan was 7 months, we took him on his first airplane ride back to Kuching, Sarawak to meet my family. Actually, all my family had met him earlier when they came over for short visits. As usual, bringing a baby travelling is always a worrisome thing, with the huge amounts of things to pack. This time, I packed lighter as my sister Gabby was able to let me use my nephew’s old clothes. That saved a lot of space. Jordan was relatively easy to handle throughout the trip and was quite a delight to my parents, especially my mum who couldn’t stop talking about him.

We even had one night’s dinner out and Jordan just slept away in the stroller while we ate. When he awoke, he was a chirpy self and welcomed hugs and pictures. Jordan who is usually picky with people welcomed all my family members, well, his family members too. He was happy to be carried by all his aunts and grandparents without a big fuss.

At 7 months, Jordan was able to crawl a little but still on his tummy. He would struggle to move forward when there is something that interests him. Otherwise, he would just sit around.


At 8 months, Jordan grew his two bottom teeth. They came out together nicely. He was still gumming everything he can put his hands on. His favourite being cardboard of which he would actually eat and not just gum. This giant baby boy also eats a lot. He is still eating just fruit and vegetable puree at 8 months and can be picky at times. Till now he had been mainly eating pumpkin, carrots, avocado, sweet potato. I tried other things like mango, apple, beets, he eats them but makes a face and ate so slowly. Jordan also did his check up this month and this time, he is no longer obese, maybe since he is a little more mobile now. He seemed to drink less milk so it was a good time for me to stock up my frozen supply. Nurses were happy and asked us not to over feed this big baby. Every time he crosses the scale, we will need to meet with the nutritionist.


At 9 months, Jordan started crawling on his knees without the tummy touching the floor. He is now able to crawl anywhere and that is even more tiring than usual as we had to rush to catch him lest he knocks himself or falls somewhere. He also started standing up and pulling himself up at the sofa and coffee table. He can stand for a much longer time now and won’t ever sit still. Times of staying awake is now longer, up to 4 hours. I still put him down for 3 naps daily, 2 short and 1 longer one.

He is pretty much potty trained by now for big business thanks to our baby sitter who taught him early. It makes things so much easier as we don’t have to wash poo stained diapers that much and Jordan also don’t have to sit in his own poo. Can you imagine doing that? Believe it or not, babies don’t like to do it too. Jordan will somehow indicate to us that he needs to go, either by crying or being fussy. However, the easiest way is to catch his time, coz like adults, babies do their business at about the same times each day. For Jordan, it is every morning as he wakes up and evening after all the food. If unsure, we just put him on the potty anyways, and most times he will take it as his signal to poo. Neat right?

Sleepwise, I still get no rest at nights. Jordan still wakes up easily and needs to be breastfed to sleep. Why do I always get the light sleepers? Due to this, I don’t get a lot of time to do much things with Josiah at nights. I don’t go out since he sleeps early, like 8.30pm I need to bring him to ths room. Nevertheless, I guess it will be worth it in the end. 3 years old is when babies just became independent suddenly.

Jordan might be the most adorable baby ever, but beware if you are to hold him. He is extremely rough and kinda violent. I get bullied by him daily everytime he wakes up, he will climb on top of me, smother me with his wet kisses and occasional bites at the same time scratch me with his tiny fingers and pull my hair as well. I have never handled a baby like this, not that I handled many babies. I know he is doing it as a form of showing affection, as he does it to people he loves, his father, Josiah and the baby sitters. However, it is rather painful! I lost quite a bit of hair there too. There, I’ve finished my update of Jordan and he is going to be 10 months soon. I can’t believe my new born baby is no longer going to be a baby really really soon.

New foods he tried this month: Cream cheese, Bell Pepper, Blueberries and Chicken.

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