Great Ideas At All The Wrong Times


As a blog writer for the past nearly 10 years, I face this a lot, especially recently. I get ideas of what to write at all the wrong times when I don’t have access to the computer. For example, the other day I was doing my facial. So I had to lie down and had limited movement for about 2 hours. When doing facials I would love to be able to take a nap while doing it, unfortunately, my mind started running wild with many ideas, superb ideas of what to write. I was sure I would remember them later by making a mental jot. Unfortunately, 2 hours later, excited and seated at the computer, I lost that thought. I didn’t know what to write anymore, so I went back to writing another one of my many reviews shelved.

Another frustrating bad timing is sleep time. It could be midnight, and my mind suddenly became active with ideas. I needed the sleep, but no, my brain wouldn’t stop working. I would usually not go to the computer at that time of the night lest I wake up the young ones by moving too much. So, I try to sleep. By morning, all the ideas are gone.

I could use the WordPress app and write on my 3.75 inch screen, which according to Apple is 12.5% less productive than a 4 inch screen, but it is just too hard to type on that tiny, tiny screen, not to mention very hard to attach any pics with my post. So I give up. Do any writers out there have any good ideas how to keep your ideas saved for later use?

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