P1 Mifi at the Coffeeshop

Here’s my verdict after using P1 Mifi MF230 for the last 3 weeks. It’s something I want to bring everywhere with me. Especially to the coffee shop when having my lunch. You know coffee shops mostly do not have internet. Yea call me internet junkie.

I also found that the modem works best (with a green light signaling excellent connection) when it is upright. When laid down, it can go from green to yellow instantly. So at my office, I put it standing up. If you’re walking around, then no problem with that since it should be in your pocket upright. By the way, for those that like to hang things on their necks, this modem can work as a necklace pendant too.

Nice or not, the vase Josiah made for me? I was at his school when he came running out to give this to me, awwww. Out of topic! Yea, so the P1 MIFI was pretty useful to me the last 3 weeks as I am experiencing network problems with our office fibre broadband. Even right now, the technician is here (for the 3rd time!) trying to sort out the problem of multiple disconnections and slowness up to 60kbps when the supposed speed is 5Mbps. While all my colleagues got to stop their work, I can continue mine by just plugging this MIFI into my PC’s USB port and connecting from it, it’s automatic plug and play as well.

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