Jordan at 5 months

jordan 5

Last Thursday, Jordan turned 5 months and it was time for his vaccine. It do happened Josiah fell quite sick and for a couple of nights, he had been coming into Jordan’s room to sleep. I think due to that I got sick and so did Jordan. That morning he had slight fever, flu and cough. I thought maybe they won’t vaccinate him, but they did anyways.

At the Klinik Kesihatan, once again like history repeats itself, the nurses were all over Jordan like they were over Josiah. Lots of them kept asking what I ate in order to make him so big. I told them I just ate like normal. So many of them touched, pinched and carried him. Thanks to his large thighs though, he couldn’t really feel the needle, he did not so much as let out a cry.

At 5 months, Jordan still can’t roll over without assistance. This is again like Josiah, though now Jordan is more late than Josiah at this stage. He babbles but not as much, he can laugh but not without lots of effort. But he is very smiley and will smile lots to anybody that makes faced at him.

He still poos daily! Lots of diaper changes. I think his growth spurt had stopped but the teething stage has started, so sometimes he gets extra fussy and won’t nurse very well. He wants to grab and bite anything and everything. That includes my hand. So I just went out to get extra teethers with liquid in it coz I couldn’t find Josiah’s old ones. Becoz of that also, he wakes up multiple times at nights, sometimes to nurse sometimes to burp, well I just do it lying down so I get the most rest out of it.

Bedtime is early by 7pm even if he just woke up from a nap at 6pm. At most I can try to drag his time till 9pm but he will be super cranky throughout that time. Just yesterday I brought him out for a fellowship and only took him homw at 8.30pm. He was complaining throughout but once he got home, he was smiling and quiet again. This boy really knows where is home.

josiah jordan
These days Josiah even attempts to talk and play with Jordan. He doesn’t ignore him anymore and he doesn’t get angry and all jealous like before. He understands when I need to attend to Jordan and even offers his help. Really thank God that things turn out well. Nowadays, they sleep together in the same room so there is no longer all the drama of which room I should be in.
Josiah and Jordan’s relationship has also improved.

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