iPad App Review: Kandy Fish

Category: Education
Updated: Feb 01, 2012
Version: 1.2
Size: 58.7 MB
Language: English
© Emantras Inc
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPad.Requires iOS 4.3 or later.

I recently downloaded this app to play with Josiah. This is the description from the iTunes App store.

Kandy Fish-3D animated picture book for preschoolers 
Dive undersea to play and learn about shapes, colors, and directions with the colorful Kandy Fish. 
Watch a lively video and enjoy 4 fun learning activities in this adorable 3D animated picture book from Punflay. 

Kandy Fish has been specially designed to teach your child, simple preschool concepts. With developmental milestones in mind, the app has been carefully crafted to introduce age-appropriate concepts in a fun and engaging interface. 

Your preschooler will love watching the whimsical Kandy Fish teach them simple concepts. Play the video and watch the vibrant fish come alive on your iPad. Voiceover and text highlighting allow kids to follow the story easily. There’s even a lilting tune that little ones will want to listen many times over. Kids will have fun seeing the fish form a straight line, triangle, square, and a circle. Upward and downward arrows demonstrate the concept of up and down while the fish swim to the left and right teaching your child the concept of left and right. Not to miss how your child will love seeing the fish form a beautiful rainbow. What a fantastic way for kids to learn their colors!

Also included in the app are the following 4 exciting activities that stimulate learning.

Kolor Pots

This is a color match activity that lets kids drag and drop fish in their respective colored buckets.

Kandy Fun

Kandy Fun is a simple pattern recognition activity where little ones will have to figure out which fish comes next to complete the pattern.

Kandy Time

This is a great activity to develop eye-hand coordination. Kids can get a lot of practice tracing a straight line, triangle, square, circle and even directions.

Kandy Kolor

Little fingers can paint beautiful pictures using a color palette with many color choices.

Actually I chose this app because of Kandy Kolor, one of the coloring game as I know Josiah will love that. Here’s a video of him playing with all 4 of the different games. This app is suitable for 3-5 year olds.

My Utmost Honest Opinions

kandy fish

What I love, the bright colours and cute graphics. There are a few types of fish and they are all bright and cute. I love the interactivity and all four types of games, well especially the colouring one. It was not hard to get Josiah to understand the pattern game. Eg. Red, Blue, Red ? This was a new concept for him as I had not taught him patterns. He had no problems with shapes and colouring. I found Josiah playing with it himself when I didn’t ask him to use it, that shows he remembers it and likes playing with it. This app is really good for teaching shapes and colours in a fun way.

There is also a reading mode but those into stories. I didn’t video that with Josiah.

Get the app on the iTunes Store here.

Disclaimer: I was not paid for this review. However, I did receive a copy of Kandy Fish for my iPad review. The opinions in this blog post are 100% mine.

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