Jordan Lu at 3 Months

3 months

Mr Jordan Lu just turned 3 months couple of days ago and he is now a very happy smiley baby. He can smile on cue which is fun to interact with, I’m still waiting for him to laugh on cue. However, last night, he laughed in his sleep! Anyways, he is still down with the flu and cough bug. This is the 3rd time in his life! The 2nd round was mild a few weeks back, but this time his cough seemed quite bad and the wheezing is bad. We waited up to 5 days to see if it can resolve by itself, but I was getting too worried, so this morning we brought him to see Dr. Kwan in Kajang town. It was our first time there after some advise from friends, and I kind of like this old Doctor after all. He was really friendly towards Jordan, played and distracted him well while checking him. I also like the clinic as it put children first, how they had a play table and some play area for children that are sick and waiting. Also the counter staff acted like nurses who started the check before entering the doc’s room, she took his weight and his temperature first.

Unlike Josiah, we are starting Jordan from babyhood to sleep in his own room. Yes, he sleeps all by himself in our spare room while Josiah still sleeps with us. Of course, in the night I have to walk over the other room up to 4 times, every 2 hours when he calls to nurse him. He always falls right back to sleep if he doesn’t fuss, sometimes he fusses if he’s too gassy, but the gassy syndrome seemed to have subsided a lot. I realised now that when he cries so much in the evening, it is because he is overtired and really just wants to sleep. Once I put him down to sleep, he always konks out.

Jordan is now drinking up to 5 bottles of 4oz-4.5oz EBM at the babysitter from 8.30am – 6.30pm. I am struggling trying to catch up with how much he drinks. Granted, all that he drank has piled up his fats nicely. This morning at the clinic, he weighed in at 7.8kg. Way above his big bro yo! Jordan also babbles a lot at this age, he loves ATTENTION. Like his bro, he isn’t the type of baby to sit and play by himself, he always wants someone to face him and ‘talk’ to him, then he’ll be happy. I guess I am raising another social baby. I am not doing much at all to stimulate him, once a while in the weekends I try to show him Baby Einstein Flash cards, but Josiah is jealous even when I do that. Yesterday, I tried to show the cards to BOTH of them, but Josiah started taking away all the cards and keeping them. Their relationship so far has gotten a little better, where Josiah has started to acknowledge that I need to take care of Jordan, when he will cooperate to keep quiet when I’m putting Jordan to bed etc. I can’t wait for them to seriously get to know each other, hope they will grow up to actually like each other. Sigh. Having number 2 is seriously not easy.

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