Swaddling a NewBorn Baby

I remember swaddling Josiah for not many days, and when visitors came to visit in his first month, many asked why I just left him ‘open’ like that as he would startle and stir from sleep so easily. With Jordan, I decided I was going to swaddle from birth, however I needed a really easy to use and good swaddle. With Josiah, I gave up swaddling because I was using the Bumblebee velcro wrap type and it was too thick after wrapping, (3 layers) and Josiah broke free so easily. It was such a hassle to rewrap dozens of times a night. So this time, I came upon the Woombie. I quickly ordered one to try out, it came in newborn size, big baby size and mega baby size. I got myself a newborn one not knowing how long I was going to do this swaddling thing.

I loved the name Woombie so much that I started using it for ALL other swaddling clothes. Jordan was wrapped in it from the hour he was born and at the hospital, all the nurses were so amazed and awed by the Woombie that they actually took him around to show to other nurses. My roommates at the hospital eyed Jordan in envy as they struggled to wrap and rewrap their babies with the usual square cloth. I helped my roommate did it a few times a night! Jordan on the other hand just slept away.


There was one night that my confinement lady took the Woombie to wash and couldn’t dry it in time, and I so struggled that night wrapping and rewrapping with the Bumblebee swaddle that I decided I needed 2 more Woombies. So I bought this beautiful Summer Woombie Maldives and the Mod Swad.

The Mod Swad is another brand but from the makers of Woombie. It’s slightly pricier but I love that it has great ventilation. I use it solely for daytime swaddling or REALLY HOT nights, which is very often in Kajang.

The newborn Woombie is meant for babies from 2.5kg to 6 kg or 3 months plus, but Jordan, like Josiah grew exponentially, so the Woombie became oh so tight for him, even though he can still use it. It’s just that he couldn’t stretch as much as before. The Woombie is actually very stretchable by the way. I love the double zip, so I don’t have to remove his hands in order to change diapers, just unzip from bottom. I also love the tab that covers the zip near the neck (not that babies have necks) so that the zip doesn’t scratch his fat chin.

So recently I bought a preloved Ergococoon to be used from 3 months – 12 months. It’s really big compared to the Woombie and Jordan now uses it at nights as I try to train him to stop using a swaddle eventually. The Ergococoon has arm outlets that eventually can give him ‘freehands’ one hand at a time. At the moment, since the Ergococoon is still really loose, I let him have his arms in side. Well he’s not even 3 months after all, just that his size and weight is.

Benefits of swaddling
You can read online for the benefits of swaddling especially with these types of new easy swaddles. But let me list the benefits I received.
1) Babies sleep more soundly as there is no startle effect
2) Keep babies warm on cold nights without the need of blankets that fly off
3) Easy to nurse baby without his flailing arms scratching you
4) Easy to pick baby up like a big peanut
5) Baby knows it’s time for naps and sleep once you put him in the Woombie/swaddle
6) The colours are too lovely!
7) Preloved Woombies are so sellable (I’m selling soon so ask me for it)
8) Woombies attract lotsa attention.

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