Jordan at 2 Months

A couple of days ago, I came back to work. So quickly, 2 months had passed and it so happened to be Jordan’s 2 month checkup as well. Jordan is now 6.3kg, 3 kg heavier than his birth weight and stood at 58cm.

At 2 months, Jordan still sleeps a lot. He wakes in the morning around 7.30am, I’ll nurse him and let him sit around in the bouncer. He loves attention and will smile lots if I’m sitting next to him and talking to him but if I move around doing things, he will call me loudly, ahh ahh when he runs out of patience. At this stage, Josiah is still pretty much ignoring him and not really acknowledging him as his brother yet.

I suspect Jordan will be quite a talkative one. At 2 months, he already loves to babble whenever he’s awake. In the afternoons, he might wake up for a short period and then another time in the evenings before heading for bed by 7pm. He will then pretty much sleep and wake for nursings and sleep back until morning. He’s still waking for his nursing every 2-3 hours during the night, day time being more often if he’s at home. Right now, he’s at the baby sitter during the weekdays daytime. So I have to pump at work. He’s eating lots, 5-6 bottles of 3 oz during the day.

I also brought him for his 2 month vaccine, the Dtap. He had a slight fever after and his cough and flu returned. Hopefully it is nothing serious. 🙁

Besides that, being too busy handling 2 kids, I’m really not doing much for Jordan such as tummy time, showing black and red flash cards, taking pics etc. My time is already taken up nursing and changing diapers and trying to spend as much time with Josiah as possible. However things are getting a little easier, I kind of can’t wait for Jordan to grow up to be Josiah’s age and for Josiah to remain his current age, impossible I know. Now that’s the benefit of having twins!

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