App Review – Full Term Labour Contraction Timer

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I downloaded this app, Full Term Labour Contraction Timer last minute when my contraction started at 4am. In fact, I downloaded a few apps, and found only this one really works, plus it’s free.

To start counting, once a contraction is felt, it is as simple as pressing the Start button. Once the contraction stops, press the Stop button. The app automatically calculates the duration, frequency and even gives you the average over the last hour and the last 6 hours, which by the way, can be customised too.


You can view your logged times and even email it to your spouse. The log times also serve as info for the doctors later who will definitely ask you lots of questions regarding your contractions.

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Under quick reference, there is even a simple guide to let you know which stag of labour you’re in now. This is really useful in that moment of pain to not panic and rush to the hospital too early. I only went in when nearing phase 2.

So this is one nifty app that allowed me to go paperless. I remember last time I had to write everything down on paper, and paper gets missing easily.

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