Cool Features of the iPhone OS 5.1 on the iPhone 4s

After upgrading to OS 5.1 on my iPhone 4s, the first thing I found improved was the battery life. Now I can leave my phone overnight and still only charge it once a day compared to last time when I have to turn it off at night or else by morning, it is flat. I also accidentally found the ‘define’ feature and built in dictionary.


When reading any article, I can just select and word and the define menu together with the copy menu will appear. Just click on define and it will bring to a dictionary page.


I thought this was very nice coz I don’t have to copy and paste in a separate dictionary app to find meanings to words anymore. Awesome Apple. This feature also works on the iPad 2.

Next neat feature I like is the voice dictation. Granted, while typing I always accidentally press the voice dictation button, but it’s really useful when I do not have hands. I can voice dictact a whole email without typing on the tiny keyboard while holding Jordan. Of course, I will have to speak clearly enough but the voice dictact can recognise words much better than Siri. I hope this eventually works with Chinese (not available now), this will be neat if I can write an email in Chinese just by voice since I cannot read Chinese. This feature unfortunately is not on the iPad 2 but is available on the new iPad.

Well only two great features that I’m mentioning here cause I find them most useful so far.

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