Counting fetal kicks with iPhone

At my last checkup 2 weeks ago, I was asked by the Klinik Kesihatan to start counting my fetal kicks. I didn’t do this last time as my private doc didn’t find it necessary. Anyways, this time, I had to record my kicks daily from 9am onwards till 9pm, and stop if I achieve 10 kicks, if not I was supposed to get to the hospital immediately. Sounds serious huh. Thankfully, Jordan kicks like a footballer, and kicks a lot.

I have to record in the ‘pink clinic book’ but it seems a fuss to have to bring this book everywhere I go. So I decided there must be an app out there that can do this for free. Amazingly there aren’t too many good apps out there, I tried 3 and finally found that one that actually works. The other 2 apps actually reset to 0 count by itself or and another one will automatically stop after 2 hours passed. So the one I’m using now is called Baby Motion by Nerdtown. The app is so simple, that I just need a start a new count each day at 9am and tap on the screen every time baby kicks. The count stops when 10 kicks are logged and the screen will show how many hours it took to achieve that. So I just count forwards to know what is the end time of the count.

Then from there, I will log it into the book so I can show to my nurse at checkup today. I find Jordan to be extremely active at nights and early mornings, his kicks are so strong it can shake my whole body. I hope this is not an indication of how active he will be when he comes into this world.

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