Baby update at 22 weeks

I just went to my OBGYN for regular checkup and now I’m well into my 2nd Trimester, more than half way through! It’s quite exciting as I just saw Jordan on the monitor and he’s getting real big. My doc reminded me to watch my weight, coz I have gone past 10kg increase in weight. Oops. So now I have to renew my diet plans and stop taking rice, noodles (especially kolomee) and sweet stuffs. So after the check up, we were supposed to go for fried rice, so instead I decided to take fish and vegetables for lunch. I have to drink more plain water instead of all those juice, milo, sweetened drinks etc.

My doc has finally stopped asking me to take folic acid and changed my vits to a bright pink multivitamin. It actually tasted sweet. So at the moment, I am feeling great. It is the 2nd trim and I’m very much enjoying the extra burst of energy. Guess I’m not looking forward to 3rd trim which is like a month away, coz then I might get fatigue etc again. My extra burst of energy now has really helped me clean up and rearrange the house before baby arrives. I need extra space for his cot, swing, bouncer etc. not to mention the Christmas tree that Josiah kept asking me to put up. Thankfully Josiah now has his own play area next to the kitchen so his toys and stuffs aren’t strewn all over the living room anymore. More about our little makeover in another post later.

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