Gossip Girl

Today I found out somebody gossiped about me. I do not know who it is, but someone accused me of using a bad word on them that I can never imagine ever using on anyone. At work, there are a few people that I sometimes have to teach things to. When teaching new things, it can get really frustrating when they can’t grasp what I’m trying to teach, so I admit a few times I had not held back my honest remarks and came across as too harsh. Nevertheless I knew for sure I had not gone to the extreme of using a word so demeaning as that, though admittedly a person on the receiving end may have perceived the meaning as that.

Today hearing that from someone else was very hurting. So hurtful that I thought I should never speak a word to anyone again lest they should perceive if wrongly and speak behind my back. My first reaction was to get offended. I held myself back from becoming over defensive. I poured out my heart to God, the only one who understands. I prayed for the people that caused the hurt as I knew praying for someone rather than cursing is the only way to pour water in blazing fire. Then I read this.

When You Are the Victim
What can you do if you’re the victim of gossip? “Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended,” warns Ecclesiastes 7:9. Instead, try to put the matter in perspective. The Bible says: “Do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak, . . . for your own heart well knows even many times that you, even you, have called down evil upon others.”—Ecclesiastes 7:21, 22
Have the good sense, then, to steer conversations away from harmful gossip. And when unkind talk involves you, have the maturity not to overreact. Let your good works speak for you. (1 Peter 2:12) If you do, you will help to preserve a good relationship with others and to maintain a good standing with God.

How true it is that we should not take offense but think in perspective and realise that we are just the same. Many times I would have said bad things about someone else instead of confronting them. Many times I have judged people by my unrealistic expectations. Many times I have failed God. So there no point in talk ing much to prove my innocence, let the work of my hands do the talking. Finally it’s ok to be misunderstood, it’s not ok to react negatively to it. There’s not a man more accused and misunderstood than Jesus, yet today we know He is God coz He did not give up.

Father teach me each day to be more humble, to not be so defensive, to show the fruits of the Spirit wherever I go, in every situation. Teach me to be emphatic to others and how they feel, and not just how I feel. Teach me to be more like you, Lord Jesus, who suffered and spoke not a word against the ones who caused the suffering. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Ecclesiastes 7:9 NIV, Ecclesiastes 7:21 NIV and 1 Peter 2:12 NIV

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One Response to Gossip Girl

  1. Sorry that you are going thru such a hurting moment and hope you are feeling better now! Never in my wildest imagination that you can utter bad words. Well some ppl just don’t know what is bad and good or even an honest remark!

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